green apple help lose weight Reduce blood sugar, nourish the heart.
If anyone has heard the phrase An apple a day keeps doctor away, eat an apple a day. I do not have to go to the doctor, yes, today we will introduce the benefits of green apple that help lose weight lowering blood sugar It also nourishes the lungs. Let’s see.
with green apple
green apple Classified as the best fruit for weight loss. rich in fiber make you feel full longer It is a source of biotin or vitamin B7 which is essential for fat burning in weight loss. It is also a good source of iodine that is essential for thyroid function. It is important for metabolism and the breakdown of accumulated body fat into energy, with 1 apple providing 14% of vitamin C.
nourish the heart
Apples contain a type of soluble fiber called pectin. Research indicates that It binds to cholesterol and has anti-inflammatory properties that help protect you from heart disease. http://ufabet999.com
It was reported that women who consumed at least one apple a day were 28% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, as apples are full of soluble fiber. It is the key to lowering blood sugar.
A study from St George’s Hospital School of Medicine in London found that People who eat five or more apples per week have better lung function than those who don’t.
Compare the benefits of different apple colors.
- red apple Contains the most anti-oxidants Therefore suitable for helping to slow down aging, reduce wrinkles, etc.
- pink apple There are substances that help prevent blemishes and help slow down aging. It also helps prevent scurvy, reduce fever, reduce inflammation, and also helps strengthen capillaries.
- green apple It has a sweet and sour taste. Suitable for those who want to control their weight. Because there is less sugar than other apples.
- yellow apple There are substances that help to reduce the risk of cancer, cataracts and cardiovascular disease.